Knowledge Center

Facts About Home Heating and Cooling

Increase your knowledge about heating and cooling systems so you know how to choose the ideal system for your home. Knowing the types of systems available is the first step. 

Other factors include:
  • The impact of your home’s air quality on your health
  • Energy-efficient systems save money on utility costs
  • Heating and cooling systems impact the environment
  • Industry terminology

Heating and Cooling Terms

  • SEER (Seasonal Energy Efficiency Ratio) is the measure of efficiency by which the cooling process of air conditioners and heat pumps is rated. The higher the SEER number, the greater the efficiency and energy savings. Today, U.S. regulatory agencies require all new products to have a 13.0 SEER rating or better. Carrier’s full line of air conditioners offers SEER ratings of 13.0 to 21.


  • AFUE (Annual Fuel Utilization Efficiency) is the standard measurement of efficiency for gas and oil-fired furnaces. Based on percentages, this number tells you how much fuel is used to heat your home and how much is wasted. The higher the AFUE rating, the greater the efficiency. Carrier offers a full line of furnaces with AFUE ratings ranging from the minimum industry requirement of 78% to more than 96%.


  • HSPF (Heating Seasonal Performance Factor) is the efficiency measurement used to gauge the performance of a heat pump’s heating mode. The higher the number, the greater the efficiency and cost savings. Today’s models are required to have a 6.8 HSPF. Carrier offers heat pumps with HSPF ratings ranging from 6.8 to 9.5.

Energy Star Program

The Energy Star program promotes energy efficiency among residential appliances such as furnaces, heat pumps, air conditioners, and thermostats, among other units.  Your home’s appliances have the potential to contribute a great deal to air pollution. 

Contact Schwabel Heating & Air Conditioning if you have questions about any of the information provided on this page.

Emergency Service Available

Central heating and cooling systems typically include heat pumps, air conditioners, gas and oil furnaces, fan coils, evaporator coils, and controls and thermostats.